WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Week One Results (10/24/23)

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Friday, September 6, 2024

Shotzi and Scarlett are in the ring. They will be hosting the event tonight. Shotzi introduces the competitors for the first match.

Devil’s Playground Match: Roxanne Perez vs. Kiana James

The ring is surrounded by things you would find in a playground. Perez is in a Freddy Kruger costume. James is dressed in her normal gear… I guess she didn’t get the costume memo. James immediately tries to hit Perez with a briefcase. Perez ducks it and lands a Thez press. Spinning head scissors by Perez. James falls out of the ring. Perez tries a dive. James catches her and rolls Perez up. Perez kicks out. James and Perez trade pinfalls outside the ring. Suplex by James out on the floor. James pulls a computer out of her bag and hits Perez with it.

After the break, Perez and James trade shots with whatever they can find at ringside. James tosses Perez into the crowd. James sets up a superplex on top of the barricade. Perez counters and tries a Russian leg sweep off the barricade. James tosses Perez away. James misses a moonsault off the barricade but lands on her feet. Perez hits James with her own bag. Perez hits Pop Rocks on top of James’ bag for the win.

Winner- Roxanne Perez

After the match, Perez dumps out the bag to reveal the pieces of a broken brick inside.

Lexis King vs Dante Chen

King controls much of the match. Chen tries to fire up and eats an axe bomber to the back of the head. Chen fires up again, but King destroys him with a superkick. King lands a modified hangman’s swinging DDT for the win.

Winner- Lexis King

Women’s Breakout Tournament Semi-Finals: Kelani Jordan vs. Arianna Grace

Jordan pulls back for a punch. Grace covers her face and backs away. Jordan sends Grace flying with her spinning hip toss. Dropkick by Jordan. Grace rolls out of the ring. After the break, Grace is working over Jordan. Jordan fires up and gets a series of near falls. Grace and Jordan fight up top. Jordan knocks Grace off. Jordan hits a Splitlegged Moonsault for the win.

Winner- Kalani Jordan

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Week One Results Continue on the Next Page!

At a rehab facility, Von Wagner asks Mr. Stone why he challenged Bron Breakker to a match. Mr. Stone says he knows he is going to get destroyed, but if he can get one good shot in, it will be worth it. Wagner tells Mr. Stone he’s his friend. Mr. Stone agrees.

The hosts of NXT Halloween Havoc, Shotzi and Scarlett, are on the stage. Shotzi is dressed like Edward Scissorhands now. The Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile walk out on the stage and ask for a match next week against Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza since they cost them a shot at the tag team championships. Shotzi agrees and says they should determine the match type by spinning the wheel and making the deal. The Creeds agree. Nile spins the wheel, and it lands on a Tables, Ladders, and Scares match.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Tony D’Angelo and Stacks vs. Chase U w/Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne

D’Angelo and Stacks clear the ring. D’Angelo hip tosses Stacks over the top onto Chase and Hudson. After the break, D’Angelo and Stacks are working over Chase. Chase manages to tag in Hudson. Hudson lands a flurry fo offense on D’Angelo and Stacks. Hudson gets a near fall after a Bossman Slam. Stacks escapes the Fratliner and tags in D’Angelo. D’Angelo tosses Chase and Hudson all over the ring. D’Angelo and Stacks hit two German suplex/European uppercut combos, the last of which was off the second rope. Chase kicks out.

Chase fires up and lands the Chase U stomp. Stacks DDTs Hudson on the apron. Superplex by D’Angelo. Stacks immediately lands a diving headbutt. Hudson breaks up the pin by German suplexes D’Angelo into Stacks to break up the pin. Jayne slides a crowbar into the ring. Chase refuses to use it. Jayne gets on the apron, and D’Angelo accidentally knocks her off. In the confusion, Hudson takes D’Angelo over in a rolling prawn hold for the win!

Winners and NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, Chase U!

Lights Out Match: Gigi Dolan vs. Blair Davenport

The lights dim in the arena while the match starts. Davenport tries to pull a weapon from under the ring. Dolan stops her. Davenport blasts Dolan with a running knee. Davenport grabs a chair. Dolan knocks it away. Dolan lands a Meteora off the apron while Davenport is seated in a chair. After the break, Dolan pulls a table from under the ring. Davenport drop toe holds Dolan into a chair before flipping the table over. The crowd boos Davenport. Dolan whips Davenport with a belt and gets a near fall. Dolan hits a Falcon Arrow off the commentary desk through a table. Davenport sends Dolan back into the ring and hits a Kimygo for the win.

Winner- Blair Davenport

NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Semi-Finals: Karmen Petrovic vs. Lola Vice w/Elektra Lopez

Petrovic takes Vice down. Vice gets on her feet and boots Petrovic out of the ring. Vice double-legs Petrovic and lands a flurry of strikes. Petrovic fires up and lands a dive. Vice blasts Petrovic with a headkick for the win.

Winner- Lola Vice

Before the match starts, two security guards are standing on the bird’s nest next to a throne. Jade Cargill walks out and sits on the throne to watch the next match.

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Lyra Valkyria

Valkyria immediately attempts her spin kick finish. Lynch avoids it. After the break, Lynch sends Valkyria into the ropes. Valkyria lands a crossbody. Lynch matrixes to escape the pin. Lynch and Valkyria trade strikes. Valkyria avoids a baseball slide from Lynch. Valkyria lands a dropkick through the ropes. Lynch gets hung up in the ropes. Valkyria lands Lynch’s patented rope hang leg drop. Lynch kicks out. Valkyria and Lynch trade counters.

Valkyria lands a dropkick off the top. Lynch kicks out again. Lynch lands the diamond dust. Valkyria kicks out! Lynch locks Valkyria in a cross-armbar. Valkyria counters into a pin. Lynch kicks out. Modified butterfly hold by Valkyria. Lynch escapes. Valkyria surprises Lynch with a running powerbomb. Lynch kicks out again. Valkyria goes up top. Lynch cuts her off. Lynch hits a superplex into a DDT. Valkyria somehow kicks out.

Lynch goes up top and gets cut off by Valkyria. Valkyria sets up a superplex. Lynch punches Valkyria off the top. Valkyria does a backflip and lands on her feet. Lynch runs into a spinning head kick by Valkyria! Kick out by Lynch. Lynch surprises Valkyria with the Manhandle Slam. Valkyria kicks out! Valkyria counters a Manhandle Slam into a roll up for the win!

Winner and NEW NXT Women’s Champion, Lyra Valkyria!

After the match, Lynch and Valkyria hug.

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