Chicago Med Recap 4/5/16: Season 1 Episode 13 Us

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Thursday, July 25, 2024

Chicago Med Recap 4/5/16: Season 1 Episode 13 "Us"

Tonight on NBC their new medical drama Chicago Med returns with an all new Tuesday April 5, season 1 episode 13 called, “Us,” and we have your recap below. On tonight’s episode a husband makes a request following his wife’s death; Dr. Charles (Oliver Platt) tries to reason with a patient who wants to remove his own arm from his body.

On the last episode, Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Choi clashed over the final decision made by a dying patient. Meanwhile, a pending lawsuit against Dr. Halstead moved forward, and doctors raced to save a patient with a misdiagnosed flesh-eating bacterial disease. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis, “a husband makes a request following his wife’s death; Dr. Charles tries to reason with a patient who wants to remove his own arm from his body; a child arrives at the hospital after swallowing magnets; Sarah has last-minute thoughts about her residency.”

Tonight’s season 1 episode 13 is going to be exciting. We’ll be blogging it right here for you. In the meantime hit up the comments section and tell us your thoughts on this new show and enjoy a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below for your enjoyment!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of Chicago Med kicks off with Reese heading in to the hospital – she’s having a meltdown, it’s the day she finds out where her residency will be. Joey tries to calm her down and reassures her that she is going to get the pathology spot that she has been gunning for.

Natalie arrives at the hospital and greets Will. He’s upset because he just found out that the clinical trial he got Jennifer Baker in to is treating her with a placebo – sugar water. Natalie is having a bad day too – her mother in law has been hounding her to get baby Owen christened. She’s not religious though, she thinks it would be a bit hypocritical.

A patient is rushed in to the ER, Lisa Patrick was hit in the head with ice falling off the Citadel Center while she and her husband were walking down the street She’s covered in blood, and her husband is a frantic mess. Maggie gets her husband out of the exam room. There is still a huge hunk of ice in her head – but it is melting, and when the ice falls out she is going to bleed out. Will and Connor get to work frantically trying to treat her before the ice melts. Her skull is crushed – Will does the best that he can to get her stabilized, but he says that she will probably never wake up.

In another exam room, the Chicago PD have brought in Mr. Tacker – apparently he walked in to a hardware store and tried to cut his own arm off with a hatchet. Dr. Charles stops by to try and talk to Tacker. Dr. Choi rushes him to surgery, he says that he can save the arm if they get to surgery ASAP. Tacker screams that he doesn’t want his arm saved, he wants it cut off.

Will sits down with Lisa Patrick’s husband – he tells him that his wife’s brain is injured beyond repair and there is no way that Lisa is ever going to wake up. Right now she is on life support. Will tells Mr. Patrick to take as long as he needs, he sits down and begins sobbing. Mr. Patrick has a unique request. He and Lisa were trying to have a baby. He wants his wife’s eggs harvested so that he can still have a baby.

Will talks to Sharon about Lisa Patrick’s eggs. She says that Lisa will have to be on life support for two weeks and they will have to give her hormone treatments. She warns Will that it is a very expensive and complicated procedure. Will says Mr. Patrick is not going to take “no” for an answer.

Natalie has a new patient arrive, Mr. Jenkins has brought in his son Eric – apparently the little boy swallowed some magnets…he thought they were candy. Eric wants to go home, but Natalie convinces him to let her take an X-ray of his tummy.

There’s an angry man with a sinus infection that has been waiting for someone to see him for two hours. Reese snaps at him that they treat their patients based on urgency. Dr. Choi can tell that Reese is on edge waiting to find out where she will be assigned – he tries to give her some advice.

Mr. Tacker wakes up from surgery , and he is upset when he realizes that his arm is still attached. Dr. Charles sits down with Tacker. He tells Charles that his arm “isn’t part of him” and it is like walking around with something dead attached to him. Tacker whines that he isn’t crazy, he has seen other people on the internet like him that feel like parts of their bodies don’t belong to them.

Will is trying to help Natalie. He tracked down Father Brady – his old priest to set up a Baptism or Natalie. She is taken a bit aback and tells Will she needs a little while to think about it before they confirm a date with Father Brady.

The gynecologist comes down to check out Lisa Patrick’s eggs and do an assessment for the egg harvesting. She has shocking news for Will. She can’t move forward with the egg harvesting with good conscious – because Lisa Patrick didn’t want to get pregnant. Apparently, she was on birth control and had an IUD, it’s no wonder that she and her husband weren’t having any luck getting pregnant. Will breaks the news to Mr. Patrick and he is shocked, he doesn’t believe it, he says that he and his wife even had baby names picked out.

At the nurse’s station, Eric’s dad Jenkins is flirting with April. Maggie warns April that Jenkins has a thing for him and she needs to be careful.

Dr. Charles tells Dr. Choi that he thinks Tacker is suffering with Body Integrity Identity Disorder – it’s a rare disease where patients’ sense of being doesn’t extend to all of his limbs. Choi can put Tacker on a 72 hour suicide hold, then he can’t keep him any longer. During that time he is going to try and figure out a way to treat his disease.

Natalie takes Will aside, she has bad news about Jennifer Baker. One of the nurses at the trial told her that Jennifer Baker is going downhill fast. Will feels guilty, if he had just left Jennifer alone and not saved her – she wouldn’t be going through all of this.

Natalie gets back Eric’s X-Rays, and they have a problem. The magnets are being pulled toward each other and if they meet, they could tear his digestive track. Eric’s dad wants to wait until he can get a hold of his ex-wife. Connor tries to warn Jenkins that his son needs surgery ASAP.

Mr. Weitz, the man with a sinus infection keels over – Maggie and Reese rush to his bed and realize that he didn’t have a sinus infection, he has a huge air bubble in his skull (he must have fallen a few days ago). It wasn’t mucous running out of his nose, it was actually sinus fluid. Someone needs to drill a hole in his head and relieve the pressure ASAP. Reese calls for Choi, but he is with another patient and it’s critical – he tells Reese that she is going to have to do it herself, even though she is just a med student.

Dr. Charles sits down with Tacker and they hatch out a plan – Tacker promises not to try to cut off his arm, and to undergo psychotherapy. Charles is giving him a series of nerve blockers to see if they can take off some of the pressures of BIID. Tacker begs Dr. Charles to take his restraints off now that they have a plan, but Dr. Charles says he will get someone down there soon and stalls.

Mr. Weitz is rushed upstairs after Reese drills the hole in his head – everything goes fine, but Goodwin is furious. She freaks out on Reese, and tells her that she is a guest at the hospital, not a doctor, and what she did was illegal. Dr Choi steps up and tells Goodwin that he ordered Reese to drill the hole and he knew she could do it.

Mr. Jenkins runs out of Eric’s room frantic – his son just threw up blood. He cries to April that it is all his fault because he wanted to wait before the operation. Nataline and the other doctors rush Eric upstairs for surgery. Soon April gets word from upstairs that Eric is just fine – they got the magnets out of his digestive tract.

Joey finds Reese on the roof of the hospital pacing back and forth. She is confused, she just saved someone’s life – and she is starting to reconsider her decision to leave the emergency room, especially after Dr. Choi stuck up for her and called her family.

Jennifer Baker is wheeled through the emergency room with her husband and son – and she does not look good. She stares down Will as she is taken to her room. Goodwin tells Will that Jennifer is too sick to continue the trial and she is going home, to die.

Tacker’s monitors start going off – Choi and Charles rush in to his room and find that his arm is completely blue. He made a tourniquet out of the tubing that Charles was using to give him nerve blockers and cut off all of the circulation to his arm. It has been cut off for so long that they can’t remove it or else he will die. Choi tells Charles that Tacker is going to get his wish – they are going to have to amputate his arm. Dr. Charles his shocked – Tacker totally played him, he thought tha the was helping him this whole time.

It’s time for Reese to learn where she will be working, she picks up the blue envelope at school with her assignment in it. She heads back to the hospital and shows Joey her envelope – she got assigned to the pathology lab just like she had wanted, but she doesn’t seem too excited about it. Joey is thrilled he rushes off to make reservations so that they can celebrate. Natalie can tell Reese is upset, she tells her that she will miss her.

Tacker is out of surgery – and seems thrilled that he no longer has his arm. Dr. Charles is still upset, he explains to Choi that he feels guilty, he couldn’t tell how desparate Tacker was. And, he feels bad that he tried to force drugs and therapy on Tacker instead of just letting him get his arm cut off to begin with.

Will finds out that Mr. Patrick is moving forward with the egg harvest. Will argues with Goodwin that it is not right, it’s not what his wife wanted. Unfortunately, they have no choice – it’s the law. They are going to start her on hormone treatments so that they can harvest her eggs.

Natalie corners Will on his way out – she thanks him for his help, but says that she won’t be needing Father Brady. She is going to get Owen Baptized her own way. Will says that he understands and he isn’t upset.

Tonight’s epiode of Chicago Med ends with Jennifer Baker’s funeral – Will shows up at the cemetary, and Jennifer’s husband confronts him. But, he isn’t upset – he thanks Will for not giving up on his wife and shakes his hand. Meanwhile at the hospital, Natalie is having Goodwin baptized in the hospital chapel – with all of the staff there to watch.

